Cb3 A20-android System Boot From Sata
Copy the System File At first , connect Cubietruck by USB ,and open terminal: ……
04-08 立刻查看
Cb3 A20-install Nand Boot Android For Cubietruck
Install Livesuit or PhoenixSuit All sunxi devices use LiveSuit as a default flasher ……
04-08 立刻查看
Cb3 A20-compiling Android Image For Cubietruck
Download the source code$mkdir cubietruck-android cd cubietruck-android$wget http://dl.cub……
04-08 立刻查看
Cb3 Lubuntu-12.10-desktop Nand Installation V1.00
Abstract Cubietruck is the 3rd board of cubietech, which is also namedcubieboard3. ……
04-08 立刻查看
Cb3 Lubuntu-12.10-desktop Nand Installation 20131015-build
Abstract Cubietruck is the 3rd board of cubietech, which is also namedcubieboard3. ……
04-08 立刻查看