Edit script.bin or script.fex for Android | 少将全栈
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Edit script.bin or script.fex for Android

点滴 admin 11年前 (2013-12-22) 3234次浏览 已收录 扫描二维码
1. You may needfex2binandbin2fex:
git clone git://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools.git
cd sunxi-tools

With the using ofls, you can find thefex2binandbin2fex.

2. Copy thescript.binfrom Android.

$adb shell
$mkdir /mnt/tmp
$mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /mnt/tmp

(Attention it’s different from Linux.)
$adb pull /mnt/tmp/script.bin

3.Convert thescript.bintoscript.fex
$chmod 777 script.bin
$./bin2fex script.bin ./script.fex
$gedit script.fex

Now, you can edit thescript.fex.
Don’t forget saving the file when you leave it.

4. Convert thescript.fextoscript.binand push it back to the CB.
$./fex2bin script.fex ./script.bin
$adb push script.bin /mnt/tmp
$adb shell
$umount /mnt/tmp
It will restart the CB. The newscript.binwill come into effect.


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