Tom Hua电子书营销秘密武器 | 少将全栈
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Tom Hua电子书营销秘密武器

点滴 admin 13年前 (2012-03-04) 2484次浏览 已收录 扫描二维码

解密Tom Hua电子书帝国的秘密武器



我来分享一下Tom Hua的电子书财富秘密。Tom Hua是一个带有神奇色彩的海外华人,他在90年代末期来到澳大利亚,靠电子书、信息产品完成了他的财富自由,他的财富创富之路是互联网财富的一个缩影,我们从他身上可以找到一些不为人知的互联网智慧。












互联网支付解决方案 –在线支付)、







我们就知道,Tom Hua人个的财富之旅,实际上电子书行业的缩影。在这里边最值得一提的就是他自己2000年出版的第一本电子书,就是 Workingwith ClickBank,是ClickBank的简单操作指南,这本电子书现在在互联网上还有得销售,将近销售了9年多的时间,靠这本书tomhua赚了将近9亿美金。


他出版这本电子书之后,他提出了100%的转售权的模式。也就是假如他花了10美元从Tom Hua手中买到这本电子书,那么你可以同样的以10美元的价格来转售这本书,就是说这本书成了你自己的产品,你可以自己销售,同时可以拥有所有的收入,这种模式就叫做100%的转售权。这种100%的转售权就是“病毒式传播”的一个有力的病毒基因。

如果你对他的这个赚钱机器感兴趣,你要了解世界互联网峰会,网址是,这是一个关于互联网世界的一个很大的规模的集会,它在世界范围内每年都循环举办,在里边有很多很多的经典案例,有许多互联网行销大师分享他们的个人经验,这也是Tom Hua在世界范围内最大的举动,为他个人和整个互联网都带来巨大的收益。

我偶然在一个博客里看到关于tom hua的电子书帝国营销的博文里有这么一个链接

点击进去了解一下,打开网页以后,内容很多,有文字、图片、视频、音频文件,心想Tom Hua果然名不虚传,网页绝对一流的棒!虽然我的英语水平不是很好,但基本上能看出这是一个网站联盟的介绍和注册页面,我曾经做过国内的一些联盟广告,所以很自然的注册了一个帐号,自己给自己说,试试看吧。没想到,3秒钟后我的邮箱就来了世界互联网峰会的一封邮件,就是下面的第一封信,第二天又来了第二封、第三封?????????

我从这些信中逐渐了解了tom hua这个人和他的电子书帝国和世界互联网峰会?????


Tom Hua成了我网络营销的第一位导师。




Hi ???,

You know, often, emails that you want to receive don’t
get through. And the ones you don’t, do get through.
Annoying I know.

But you just signed up to become an affiliate for
World Internet Summit – thank you.

And just in case the email I sent you about that “got lost” –
I have sent you this one with a link to a webpage with all
the details you need.

Go here:

We can’t wait to send you a cheque for all your ticket sales! ;-)


Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Brett McFall & Tom Hua
Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Inc.

7477 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste. 170
Las Vegas, NV 89128, USA
Phone: 1-702-851-7696
Fax: 1-702-220-6444
Customer Service Phone: 1-702-425-3239


Subject: nan, Welcome to the WIS Newsletter

Hi nan,

WELCOME TO THE WORLD INTERNET SUMMITNEWSLETTER! Your source of internet marketing tips from the best experts aroundthe world.

You’re about to discover a ton of reallypowerful, solid money^making strategies for the internet.

Through the WORLD INTERNET SUMMITNEWSLETTER you’re going to discover insights that you’ve never heard before.Real-life, proven strategies for building a serious, online business.

You’re going to receive specialarticles. You’re going to get exclusive access to interviews with some of theworld’s best marketers.

And of course you’re going to getupdates and exciting news about upcoming WORLD INTERNET SUMMIT events – whereyou can be taught first-hand by some of the world’s best internet marketingexperts.

These events are held around the world,so chances are there’ll be an event near you. Just stay tuned to…

Now, to get things started, here’s yourfirst valuable lesson.

Just click on the link below to listento the words of someone who could teach you a ton of things about how to dobusiness online. In fact, knowing what to write on your webpage is one of themost powerful things you will ever learn.

That’s why this person gets paid up tofifteen thousand dollars a time just to write a webpage (yet he failed Englishin high school!). You need to know what he knows.

Find out who this amazing expert is -listen now by clicking the link below:


Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit Inc.

A commercial email powered by yourfriends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

Hi nan,

Welcome to the World Internet Summit Newsletter. It’s day 2, and we have anamazing lesson for you.

If you enjoyed yesterday’s brilliant internet marketing lesson, wait till youhear from this fiery copywriter from Wales.

This man gets paid thousands of dollars to create internet marketing for someof the world’s best. Would you like to do the same?

Then it’s time to meet him. Discover some solid internet marketing strategiesright now at:



Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit Inc.

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

Hi nan,

It’s time for your 3rd lesson from the World Internet Sumimt Newsletter.

Do you realise you’d normally pay hundreds of US dollars an hour just to meetwith these experts? That’s why this newsletter is so valuable to you. And it’syours without any fee at all!

So, what are you going to learn today?

Well this expert made $4.2~million~dollars in his first 12 weeks online. So doyou think you might just learn something valuable from him?

And his name is plastered all over the internet. Truly one of the stars ofinternet marketing.

Meet him right now at:



Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit Inc.

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360


Hi nan,

You’re in for a treat today. A “killer” lesson from someone who usedto be a truck driver. But who now makes a 6 figure income from the internet.

And you guessed it, he doesn’t even work that hard.

One of the true characters of the internet, meet this expert right now at:


Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit Inc.

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360


Hi nan,

Meet a lady who will challenge your mind and show you that just applying whatyou learn CAN actually work on the internet.

In fact, she went from a site losing her money to one that now works on virtualauto-pilot and brings her in thousands of dollars in profits every month.

She’s an Aussie, and her refreshing outlook on the internet will really giveyou hope.

Meet this expert right now at:



Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit Inc.

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

nan, what are your goals and dreams for this year?

Do you want to:

Attract your ideal relationship?
Get out of debt once and for all?
Finally lose those extra kilos?
Get clear on your purpose in life?
Build your own business?

It really IS possible to live your dream life.

These people are doing just that…

Tom Hua and Brett McFall

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360


Hi nan,

What’s your free internet marketing lesson about today?

Well this one’s quite inspiring. We want you to meet an amazing man out ofSingapore. A kid who got his degree and did all the right things by society’sstandards.

Then he turned his back on it all and started up an internet business.

Truly he went from zero to hero. And he claims it took just one secret to makeit happen. You’ll find that out right now at:



Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit Inc.

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

Hi nan,

For the first time ever, we’re releasing some private seminar footage of TomHua revealing how he became an internet millionaire.
Best part is, you get to see the simple steps he took to train his brain (see,that’s where the real genius is – training your brain to think like amillionaire).

In this new footage you’ll discover;

– The true path to Internet Mastery (how the rich get richer on internet)
– How to get from where you are to where you want to go… and… FAST
– The 7 steps to a million dollars on the internet (post this one up on yourwall in your home or office)

It’s only a short bit of footage. But you’ll be inspired… you’ll be educatedand you’ll be pumped up to get your internet business on track once you’ve seenthis.

Watch it right now, you’ll be amazed at how much can be squeezes into 6minutes.

Brett McFall
A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

$97 Value – Yours~FR~EE

Hi nan,

Well, recently you’ve been treated to a fair bit of fantastic internetmarketing information. So we hope you’ve been enjoying that.

And today’s no different. You’re about to hear a simply incredible interviewwith one the UK’s shining lights (you know, so far you’ve heard form expertsfrom 4 different countries – that’s the benefit of World Internet Summit …you get the best from around the world).

Ever heard of an “ezine?” It’s basically a newsletter for theinternet. Well this man knows how to turn it into a profitable business.

And the great news is, a ezine costs you hardly anything to run! Find out nowhow you could turn an ezine into a business now at:



Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit Inc.

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

Hi nan,

They say “behind every great business there’s a great system” right?

In this exclusive video direct from the floor of World Internet Summit you’llget a close look at how all the big internet businesses really work.
And guess what? It’s simpler than you think.

You’re about to see how one woman generated a whopping $30,732 creating aproduct using a telephone (and no it’s not a tele-conferencing call)

Sounds too good to be true right?

Well this expert has got the system down… and once you’ve seen this video,you’re going to know how to build a list and automate the sales process foryour business.

Watch it now… and discover the “system.”


Tom Hua and Brett McFall
A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

FROM: Tom Hua and Brett McFall
RE: New line up for Australian event

Hi nan,

World Internet Summit is in its 6th year of training everyday people how tostart a profitable internet business from scratch.

But now we have these “upstarts” coming along who think they can teach theworld how “they” do it better.

Well guess what?

We agree!

And we’ve got them speaking for the first time ever at World Internet Summit ?Australia.

No-one else searches the world for the best speakers like we do. And that’s whyyou need to be here at this event ? you’ll get the latest secrets from aroundthe world.

Here are the brand new experts who are leading the way in making mo~~ney onlineand who will be teaching you LIVE in Perth:

1) Andy Harrington is flying in allthe way from the UK ? we discovered him in November last year, now he’s here toteach Aussies for the first time how to get your brain locked in to succeedonline.

2) Roy Carter is also flying in fromthe UK (he’s an ex attendee of our event!) and going to teach you how to createan “eee-zee” $500,000 a-year web business from scratch

3) Steven Essa, an Aussie, wowed ouraudiences overseas last year when it comes to using webinars to make an in~comeonline ? and now he speaks for the first time at our Australian event.

4) Mark Anastasi is flying in fromCyprus to show you how to make mo~ney using “You Tube” (this is soooo cool,you’ll literally be itching to go and try out this technique straight away).

5) And Scott Letourneau is flying infrom the USA to reveal the secret to taking your internet business to$1Million.


So if you want the cutting edge, wait till you see these guys.

Plus proven experts like Armand Morin, Ewen Chia and Sean Roach will be therewith BRAND NEW ways to dominate online (again, stuff never revealed before inAustralia).

So register now and make your way to Perth, February 25-28, 2010 for the biggestWorld Internet Summit yet.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Tom Hua and Brett McFall

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

$97 Value – Yours~FR~EE

Hi nan,

Well, today we’d like to give you something EXTRA special.

Not just one expert to learn from. But a whole bunch of them.

Wait till you feel the ideas that pop up in your mind as you listen to thisamazing roundtable (if only you could have them stashed away in your wardrobeto bring out when you needed an ideas boost!):



Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit Inc.

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

FROM: Tom Hua and Brett McFall
RE: Will you win the “internet challenge?”

Hi nan,

$47,239 is how much Camilla Ker walked away with after our last World InternetSummit.

She was just an attendee in our audience.

How would you feel if it was you instead?

Well we do it at EVERY event ? start a new business online and give the salesto someone in the audience at the end of the event.

It’s called the “internet challenge” and we’re running it again in Perth onFebruary 25-28 (our first time in Western Australia)

Will you be there?

Truly, will you?

Why wouldn’t you?

One thing’s for sure, if you’re not in the audience, we can’t give you thecash.

So register now (and see more photos of proof that we actually do this) andmake your way to Perth, February 25-28, 2010 for the biggest World InternetSummit yet.

The world’s best experts are coming and we look forward to seeing you there.

Tom Hua and Brett McFall

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360

Hi nan

Brett McFall here and as far as I know, I am the only person in the world whodoes what you’re about to see.

This video shows you how I can turn the fortunes of any business around in 10minutes or less. I do this all over the world and ALWAYS find a hidden gem inevery business.

There’s no script.

I have no idea who is coming up on stage or what they do for a living.

But yet, by asking one simple question over and over again (until I get theREAL answer), I can uncover what is holding any business back from making hugeprofits.

By the way, I used to get paid $2,500 an hour to do this. And that’s all I did? find the answer to one simple question.

Want to know what that question is and how I do it?

Check this exclusive video out right now and discover how you too can make yourbusiness ? online or off ? the winner.

And if you’d like to see me do it LIVE, then book now for World Internet Summit? Australia in Perth February 26-28, where it could be you that I pull up onstage for some “tough love.” There’s a link on the page above.

Brett McFall and Tom Hua

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360



Hello ???,

Congratulations and welcome to the World Internet
Summit Affiliate Program!

It takes a special kind of person, or organization,
to truly leverage this opportunity and turn it into
a profitable venture for a mutually beneficial relationship.

You will be receiving more information from us shortly about this.

We want to make sure you get access and take full advantage of
the complete and helpful set of Affiliate sales and marketing tools
– all complimentary parts of our Affiliate Program.?

After all, you want to turn on your new revenue stream
as soon as possible , don’t you? This email contains your unique URL
Which means the link that is exclusively yours to promote this event.

You’ll see your first check roll sooner by placing this link on your site,
as soon as possible,


To find out how much you have earned in commissions,
check anytime at:

Or come to our site and click on the affiliate login link/button.

Your exclusive affiliate link to promote World Internet Summit is:

As you know, your success is critical to our own.
Therefore, we offer you sales and marketing tools
to make it easy for you to sell more, more often.

We’ll be emailing you shortly with pre-written sales copy
that you can use to promote this event. Use them with our
full approval. However, often the best emails are those
written in your own words and then a directive to click
on your exclusive link.

Again, welcome aboard. We know this will be a mutually beneficial
and long term relationship! And we can’t wait to write you some
commission checks!

We want to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to contact us
if you have any questions.

Yours truly,

World Internet Summit




Hi ???, Tom Hua and Brett McFall here.

And congratulations on becoming an official World Internet Marketer for WORLDINTERNET SUMMIT.

Please go to this webpage for important information –

This email contains information about your affiliation
with us, and also some marketing tools that you can use right away.

This is truly going to be an outstanding seminar.
Last year’s was an absolute sell out, and this
one looks like being the same.

12 of the best internet marketers in the world
are converging for one HUGE weekend.
You’ll be there, won’t you?

Here are the details of our next big event;

Now, if you’re smart you’ll promote the event right now using the copy we’vesupplied to you below (or writing your own).

Why? Because by sending people to your affiliate link you can “set it andforget it”.

What that means is by having people ’click on’ your affiliate link (which we’vejust sent you in an email) they will arrive at our webpage.

And just by doing that, they will be “cookied in” as your customers(that’s ’geek speak’ for: our system remembers that you sent them to our page).

When they purchase a ticket at anytime between now and the event date, oursystem knows and credits you with a commission on the price.

Easy, huh?

That’s why we’ve given you sales copy below that you can send to your friendsor database of customers and make money on autopilot.

So here is your EXCLUSIVE affiliate link. Please just
cut and paste the HTML section indicated below, and put
it on your WEBSITE as soon as possible.

—————–CUT BELOW HERE —————–

<a href=”“>
Click here for more information

—————–CUT ABOVE HERE —————–

Or, something else you could do is send the following
link out in an EMAIL to your database promoting the event.

—————–CUT BELOW HERE —————–

—————–CUT ABOVE HERE —————–


When your prospects visit our website through your link,
and register to attend, you’ll pocket your commission. Paid within 3 weeks ofthe end of the event. Not a bad way to make
some money without even having a product, right?



To find out how much you’ve earned in commissions,
simply go to:

Or if that link doesn’t work, try this one:

…and log in to your account using your USERNAME and PASSWORD, listed below:

Username: 96????????
Password: **************

Below, you’ll find an ad you can use, but ULTIMATELY what
works best is an honest expression of your enthusiasm
followed by your affiliate link.

Here is some promotional text you can CUT AND PASTE to
promote World Internet to your customers,
friends and family (no spamming is allowed, and your
affiliation will be cancelled if you do so).

—————–CUT BELOW HERE —————–

Dear Friend,

If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s “pretenders.”

That’s why when I visited the website below I knew it
was the real deal.

I’ve just found out about something so important to
your business, that you could stand to lose a lot of
money if you don’t check it out.

Here’s what I mean…

It’s all about a LIVE seminar where you get to rub
shoulders with 12 of the smartest internet marketers
in the world. All are proven experts in their field.
And they’re coming here to teach how they do it.

There are 7 key reasons why you should attend.

Just click on the link below to find out:


—————–CUT ABOVE HERE —————–

Or this one:

—————–CUT BELOW HERE —————–

Dear Friend,

If you’d like to finally discover how to make money on the internet, you’ve gotto visit this this website.

3 of the world’s best internet experts are about to teach you how to do it andso much more.


—————–CUT ABOVE HERE —————–

Or this one:

—————–CUT BELOW HERE —————–

Dear Friend,

12 of the world’s best internet marketers are coming to
speak at World Internet Summit.

There’s only a few seats left (every year it sells out).
But if you want the inside running on what’s working
and selling on the internet, you’ve got to be here.

In fact, there are 7 key reasons why you should attend.
Check them out here:


—————–CUT ABOVE HERE —————–

Or this one:

—————–CUT BELOW HERE —————–

Dear Friend,

Can you imagine having a business that runs on virtual
auto-pilot? Meaning it makes money when you’re not even there? That’s whatthousands of people are now doing on the internet.
But there is a wrong way … and a right way.

12 of the world’s best internet marketers are coming to
speak at World Internet Summit to show how they do it.

There’s only a few seats left (and it always sells out).
But if you want to be there, visit this webpage right now:


—————–CUT ABOVE HERE —————–

So there you go ???. Of course, as we’vealready mentioned, often the best way to promote it is just to use your ownenthusiasm for the event, and then provide your link.

But at least you have the copy here you need to get started. The choice isyours.

Well, that’s it for now. We’ll be sending you more marketing messages very soonthat you can use to promote the event (hey, we’ve got to make it easy for youright? ;-)

In the mean time, make sure you grab your own ticket for this event. We lookforward to meeting you in person at WORLD INTERNET SUMMIT USA.

Talk soon…

Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Brett McFall & Tom Hua
Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Inc.

7477 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste. 170
Las Vegas, NV 89128, USA
Phone: 1-702-851-7696
Fax: 1-702-220-6444
Customer Service Phone: 1-702-425-3239


此信是对联盟伙伴的一个再次培训,以帮助他们积极的投入和运作,特别对一些网赚新手来说,从思想上施加一些小小的压力和动力,可见tom hua的良苦用心,这也是他得以取得成功的一个秘密武器。一句话就会让伙伴拼命的为他宣传,同时也是为了自己的利益!


Hi ???,

2 days you signed up to become an official World Internet Marketer for WorldInternet Summit.

Meaning now you can simply let people know about our seminar… using yourexclusive affiliate link … and get paid for it!

That’s all. Doesn’t sound like too much work does it?

I even gave you some wording yesterday for you to use. Making
it all as simple as cutting and pasting some text.

So if you haven’t sent out an email yet … or recommended
it to your friends or customers, why not do it now?

We do all the work for you. We’ve spent tens of thousands
of dollars getting the best speakers in the world … creating webpages …autoresponder sequences … and bascially putting
on the world’s biggest internet business event.

And quite simply you could make a lot of ’moolah’ just by
letting others know about it. Via an email. Or your website.


Remember, here is your EXCLUSIVE affiliate link:

When someone clicks on this they’ll be taken right to our
webpage, and we’ll know that you sent them there. Meaning
we’ll also know that they are “your” customer if they purchase
a ticket.

Bascially it’s mo~ney for nothing.

So ??? stop right now… take 10 minutes out …
and recommend World Internet Summit to the people you know
might like to go.

Then ask them to click on your affiliate link, and we’ll
look after the rest.

We look forward to writing you a big, fat cheque! ;-)


Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Brett McFall & Tom Hua
Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Inc.

7477 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste. 170
Las Vegas, NV 89128, USA
Phone: 1-702-851-7696
Fax: 1-702-220-6444
Customer Service Phone: 1-702-425-3239



$97 Value – Yours~FR~EE

Hi nan,

Did you know that 35% of people learn primarily from listening?

It’s true. And in fact, audio products are a huge seller on the internet.

Would you like to know how to produce them yourself? It’s quite easy.Especially when you listen to the advice of the expert we’d like to introduceyou to.

Most of the experts on the internet use HIS products to create theirmasterpieces. And now you can discover how you could do the same.



Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit Inc.

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Tom Hua & Brett McFall
Co-Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Corp. Pty. Ltd.
190-192 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Australia
Phone 61-3-94173368 Fax: 61-3-94173360


Hi ???,

As one of our World Internet Summit affiliates,
I wanted to let you know about a problem.

And it’s not so much a problem, as just a bad habit.

See you’ve already secured your own affiliate link for
promoting World Internet Summit.

This means that your link is exclusive to you. And when someone clicks on thatlink in an email, they’ll be automatically taken
to our webpage.

Then if they buy a ticket to our event, then you make a commission.

But see what a lot of people do is they join our program,
get their affiliate link in the mail, send it out to a
few people, and then …

… they forget about it.

When what they’re really doing is flushing dollars down
the sink.

Because the more you recommend people come to
our webpage via your affiliate link, the more chance you
have of making some decent ca~sh.

They in turn get a chance to experience something quite amazing – our 4 dayevent.

However a lot of affiliates don’t keep a record of their
affiliate link.

Which means it becomes all too hard to recommend the event to friends andcustomers on a regular basis, because you have to find the email I originallysent you … locate the link … bla bla bla.

All too hard.

So here’s what I recommend:

1) Copy your exclusive affiliate link right now (here it is):

See, this is yours alone.

2) Then paste it into a Microsoft Word file… or whatever
word processing program you use.

3) Name that file “My Ticket To Freedom” ;-)

4) And save it somewhere easy to find.

This way, whenever you want to grab the link and use it to
promote World Internet Summit, you’ll know where it is.

No bother. No hassle.

Quickly, do it now. It could end up making you a lot of
stuff in the bank.


Tom Hua and Brett McFall
World Internet Summit

A commercial email powered by your friends…
Brett McFall & Tom Hua
Founders of *World Internet Summit*

World Internet Inc.

7477 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste. 170
Las Vegas, NV 89128, USA
Phone: 1-702-851-7696
Fax: 1-702-220-6444
Customer Service Phone: 1-702-425-3239

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