win10安装postgrelsql安装了很多次都是报错,开始查明以为是权限的问题,然后就给文件夹赋予权限,以为快解决了,又出现了 Failed to load sql modules into the database cluster的错误,于是根据错误去继续寻找解决方案,ubuntu下分分钟就install了。最后翻看stackoverflow找到解决方案。
I was getting this same error when trying to install PostgreSQL v9.4.4 on Windows 10 Pro. Starting with a solution hosted on Stack Exchange, I came up with the following steps that allowed the installer to run successfully:
1) Create a new user account, called postgres
2) Add the new account to the Administrators and Power Users groups
3) Restart the computer
NOTE: I added step #3, since step #4 didn’t work without it
4) Run a command prompt as the postgres user, using the command:
runas /user:postgres cmd.exe
5) Run the installer from the postgres command window
6) Delete the postgres user account, as well as the user directory
NOTE: I added step #6, since the postgres account is not required after installation
注意第四步,可以按win+r打开运行命令,然后输入runas /user:postgres cmd.exe