Oracle 安装 INS-32025 | 少将全栈
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Oracle 安装 INS-32025

点滴 admin 9年前 (2016-06-26) 5161次浏览 已收录 扫描二维码


./runInstaller -silent -force -ignorePrereq -ignoreSysPreReqs -responseFile /home/oracle/db.rsp

[FATAL] [INS-32025] The chosen installation conflicts with software already installed in the given Oracle home.

  CAUSE: The chosen installation conflicted with software already installed in the given Oracle home.

  ACTION: Install into a different Oracle home.

解决方法就是删除文件“inventory.xml” 中的HOME信息。这个文件在“oraInventory/ContentsXML”目录下面。



Oracle Database/Client Installation Failed due to error: [INS-32025] The chosen installation conflicts with software already installed in the given Oracle home. (文档 ID 1572538.1)

In this Document




Applies to:

Oracle Database – Enterprise Edition – Version to [Release 11.2]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


You may receive the following error while installing the Oracle  Database/Client software using runInstalleer/ setup.exe on a new server which does not have any Oracle software installed  OR on the server which  already have other Oracle software installed.

[INS-32025] The chosen installation conflicts with software already installed in the given Oracle home.



I ) New  Server without any Oracle software installation

1) Oracle Installation software is corrupted

II ) Server which already have the Oracle software installed

1) Trying to install the oracle  software in the same location, where already the different oracle Installation exists.

2) Trying to install the oracle  software in the location where  the Oracle Installation was done earlier but was  not de-installed or cleaned up properly


I) New  Server without any Oracle software installation


  – Re-download the Oracle Database server software from OTN or

      Check the following point  :


            the size of the downloaded zip file is the same as shown on the download page

            the Oracle Software is downloaded/transferred in “BINARY” mode if it is downloaded on the some other machine and then transferred to this machine


            the Software stage is created correctly for the downloaded Oracle software.

  – Re- try installing the  Oracle database server  Software

II ) Server which already have the Oracle software installed

1 ) Install the Oracle software at different location.

2) Find out whether the Oracle Home Location which was not deinstalled properly exists in the file inventory.xml of the Central Inventory.

    If it is there then

    – detach this Oracle Home using OUI to remove Oracle Home location  entry from the inventory.xml and then retry the installation.


    –  Install Oracle software in different location.

Oracle Database Products > Oracle Database Suite > Oracle Database > Oracle Database – Enterprise Edition > Dataserver Installation and Relinking issue > Pre-requirement issues

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