mysql中You can’t specify target table for update in FROM clause错误的意思是说,不能先select出同一表中的某些值,再update这个表(在同一语句中)。 例如下面这个sql:
delete from tbl where id in ( select max(id) from tbl a where EXISTS ( select 1 from tbl b where a.tac=b.tac group by tac HAVING count(1)>1 ) group by tac )
delete from tbl where id in ( select from ( select max(id) id from tbl a where EXISTS ( select 1 from tbl b where a.tac=b.tac group by tac HAVING count(1)>1 ) group by tac ) a )
UPDATE `yi`.`data_content_254` SET `已发` = ’1’ WHERE `data_content_254`.`Id` in ( select a.`Id` from ( SELECT `data_content_254`.`Id` FROM `yi`.`data_content_254` where `data_content_254`.`内容` = (SELECT `data_content_254`.`内容` FROM `data_content_254` WHERE `data_content_254`.`Id` =6794) ) a )
--删除标题相同的文章 DELETE a . * FROM wp_posts AS a INNER JOIN ( SELECT post_title, MIN( id ) AS min_id FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = ’post’ AND post_status = ’publish’ GROUP BY post_title HAVING COUNT( * ) >1 ) AS b ON b.post_title = a.post_title AND b.min_id <> AND a.post_type = ’post’ AND a.post_status = ’publish’
--内容与29560相同的文章 SELECT * FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_content` = (SELECT `post_content` FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `ID` =29560 )