The sam-ba 2.13 or later provides USB signed driver for Windows(XP, Viata, Win7, Win8) | 少将全栈
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The sam-ba 2.13 or later provides USB signed driver for Windows(XP, Viata, Win7, Win8)

点滴 admin 10年前 (2015-08-16) 3509次浏览 已收录 扫描二维码

This instruction will guide you through the installation of sam-ba USB driver.

CASE 1: It is my first time to install SAM-BA (never installed previous version of SAM-BA)

The following steps are explained for Windows 7, but very similar for the XP, Vista and Win8.



Connect board


Connect the board to the computer via a USB port and power it on,

Click on Windows button, Right click on computer and click on “Manage”, Select “Device Manager” on the left hand side


The sam-ba 2.13 or later provides USB signed driver for Windows(XP, Viata, Win7, Win8)


Update driver


Right click on the “Unknown device”

Select “Update Driver Software”

The sam-ba 2.13 or later provides USB signed driver for Windows(XP, Viata, Win7, Win8)


Install driver manually


Select “Browse my computer for driver software”

The sam-ba 2.13 or later provides USB signed driver for Windows(XP, Viata, Win7, Win8)


Navigate driver folder


Navigate to the sam-ba install folder that contains the sam-ba driver


The sam-ba 2.13 or later provides USB signed driver for Windows(XP, Viata, Win7, Win8)


Complete USB installation


When Windows is done installing the driver, you will be presented with the following window

The sam-ba 2.13 or later provides USB signed driver for Windows(XP, Viata, Win7, Win8)


Driver installed


Now the usb driver “AT91 USB to Serial Converter” has successfully updated.


The sam-ba 2.13 or later provides USB signed driver for Windows(XP, Viata, Win7, Win8)


COM port


With Windows
system, the USB CDC driver will automatically be assigned a COM number,
such as COM8 or COM 25, and can be found with Windows Device Manager.


The sam-ba 2.13 or later provides USB signed driver for Windows(XP, Viata, Win7, Win8)



CASE 2: I have installed SAM-BA 2.12 or previous version before.

We recommend to update you USB driver with latest signed USB driver.



CASE 3: I have installed SAM-BA 2.10 or previous version before, and the usb port is recognized as “ATMEL AT91xxxxx Test board”.

That means a
previous version of USB driver (atm6124.sys) was already installed from
previous versions of SAM-BA, you have to uninstall this driver first,
and re-install latest new USB driver.




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