RPi2 Win10 IoT Blinky Sample | 少将全栈
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RPi2 Win10 IoT Blinky Sample

点滴 admin 10年前 (2015-07-08) 2180次浏览 已收录 扫描二维码

We’ll create a simple LED blinking app and connect a LED to your Windows 10 IoT Core device.

This is a headed sample. To better understand what headed mode is
and how to configure your device to be headed, follow the instructions here.

Also, be aware that the GPIO APIs are only available on Windows 10 IoT Core, so this sample cannot run on your desktop.


现在让我们把LED连接到安装了Windows10 IoT Core 的硬件设备,并创建一个应用程序来让它们闪烁。

Load the project in Visual Studio

You can find this sample here.
Choose either the C++ version or C# version, but note that this sample
only covers the C# version. Make a copy of the folder on your disk and
open the project from Visual Studio.

Make sure you set the ‘Remote Debugging’ setting to point to your Windows IoT device. Go back to the basic ‘Hello World’ sample if you need guidance.

Note that the app will gracefully degrade if it cannot find any
available GPIO ports, for example if you run the app on a VM running
Windows 10 IoT Core.

在Visual Studio中加载工程

首先在这里找到例程,这里有C++和C#的版本可供选择。本教程仅介绍使用C#的版本。将工程文件夹拷贝到磁盘中,然后用Visual Studio打开。
然后检查你的Windows IoT设备,确保打开了远程调试功能(Remote Debugging),可以参考这里的Hello World程序。
请注意如果Windows 10找不到可用的GPIO接口,应用程序将不会工作。比如你将windows10安装在了VM虚拟机中。

Connect the LED to your Windows IoT device

You’ll need a few components:

  • a LED (whichever color you like)

  • a 220 ? resistor

  • a breadboard and a couple of connector wires

将LED连接到 Windows 10 设备


RPi2 Win10 IoT Blinky Sample

For Raspberry Pi 2 (RPi2)

We will connect the one end of the LED to GPIO 5 (pin 29 on the
expansion header) on the RPi2, the other end to the resistor, and the
resistor to the 3.3 volt power supply from the RPi2.
Note that the polarity of the LED is important. Make sure the shorter
leg (-) is connected to GPIO 5 and the longer leg (+) to the resistor or
it won’t light up.

And here is the pinout of the RPi2:

将LED的负极连接到Raspberry Pi2的GPIO 5引脚(Board编号29),正极串联嗲足后连接到3.3v电源。(请务必注意极性,在直插型封装的LED中,较长的引脚是正极+,较短的引脚是负极-)

RPi2 Win10 IoT Blinky Sample

Image made with Fritzing

Here is an example of what your breadboard might look like with the circuit assembled:

RPi2 Win10 IoT Blinky Sample

Image made with Fritzing

For MinnowBoard Max (MBM)

We will connect the one end of the LED to GPIO 5 (pin 18 on the JP1
expansion header) on the MBM, the other end to the resistor, and the
resistor to the 3.3 volt power supply from the MBM.
Note that the polarity of the LED is important. Make sure the shorter
leg (-) is connected to GPIO 5 and the longer leg (+) to the resistor or
it wont light up.

And here is the JP1 connector on the MBM:

RPi2 Win10 IoT Blinky Sample

Image made with Fritzing

Here is an example of what your breadboard might look like with the circuit assembled:

RPi2 Win10 IoT Blinky Sample

Image made with Fritzing

Deploy your app

If you’re building for Minnowboard Max, select x86 in the architecture dropdown. If you’re building for Raspberry Pi 2, select ARM.

When everything is set up, you should be able to press F5 from Visual
Studio. The Blinky app will deploy and start on the Windows IoT
device, and you should see the LED blink in sync with the simulation on
the screen.


对于Raspberry Pi2来说,应该在architecture的下拉菜单中选择ARM。


RPi2 Win10 IoT Blinky Sample

Congratulations! You controlled one of the GPIO pins on your Windows IoT device.

Let’s look at the code

The code for this sample is pretty simple. We use a timer, and each
time the ‘Tick’ event is called, we flip the state of the LED.

Timer code

Here is how you set up the timer in C#:






public MainPage()
    // ...

    this.timer = new DispatcherTimer();
    this.timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
    this.timer.Tick += Timer_Tick;

    // ...

private void Timer_Tick(object sender, object e)

Initialize the GPIO pin

To drive the GPIO pin, first we need to initialize it. Here is the C#
code (notice how we leverage the new WinRT classes in the
Windows.Devices.Gpio namespace):



using Windows.Devices.Gpio;

private void InitGPIO()
    var gpio = GpioController.GetDefault();

    // Show an error if there is no GPIO controller
    if (gpio == null)
        pin = null;
        GpioStatus.Text = "There is no GPIO controller on this device.";

    pin = gpio.OpenPin(LED_PIN);

    // Show an error if the pin wasn’t initialized properly
    if (pin == null)
        GpioStatus.Text = "There were problems initializing the GPIO pin.";


    GpioStatus.Text = "GPIO pin initialized correctly.";

Let’s break this down a little:

  • First, we use GpioController.GetDefault() to get the GPIO controller.

  • If the device does not have a GPIO controller, this function will return null.

  • Then we attempt to open the pin by calling GpioController.OpenPin() with the LED_PIN value.

  • Once we have the pin, we set it to be off (High) by default using the GpioPin.Write() function.

  • We also set the pin to run in output mode using the GpioPin.SetDriveMode() function.

Modify the state of the GPIO pin

Once we have access to the GpioOutputPin instance, it’s trivial to change the state of the pin to turn the LED on or off.

To turn the LED on, simply write the value GpioPinValue.Low to the pin:


and of course, write GpioPinValue.High to turn the LED off:


Remember that we connected the other end of the LED to the 3.3 Volts
power supply, so we need to drive the pin to low to have current flow
into the LED.





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