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Cb3 A20-install Nand Boot Android For Cubietruck

点滴 admin 11年前 (2014-04-07) 2672次浏览 已收录 扫描二维码

Install Livesuit or PhoenixSuit

All sunxi devices use LiveSuit as a default flasher and updater for
retail customer and PhoenixCard or PhoenixUSB for flashing when devices
are manufactured. LiveSuit/Phoenix protocol and data are closed-source
standrad used by many companies and devices.

Please note that PhoenixSuit is actually LiveSuit2.0. There are different platform’s PhoenixSuit

  1. Windows
  2. Linux i386
  3. Linux x86_64
  4. Mac

Please refer to the Livesuit/PhoenixSuit Installation Guide

Download Image

Assuming you are going to use ct-nand-v1.01-20140109.img

 $wget http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubietruck/android/ct-nand-v1.01-20140109.img.gz
 $gzip -d ct-nand-v1.01-20140109.img.gz

The latest version is v1.01-20140214. Please to use this one.

For more Livesuit Images, please refer to http://dl.cubieboard.org If you want to know more about what is a LiveSuit Image, please refer to http://linux-sunxi.org/LiveSuite_images

(We just have only one image for cubietruck,later we will have more image)

Run Livesuit

Run Livesuit

Cb3 A20-install Nand Boot Android For Cubietruck

select the image

Cb3 A20-install Nand Boot Android For Cubietruck

Press the FEL key when power up(the FEL key is the one under the USB OTG
port), The CPU automatically enters FEL mode. Livesuit will start to
write the image to Nand on board.

Press “Yes”:

Cb3 A20-install Nand Boot Android For Cubietruck


Cb3 A20-install Nand Boot Android For Cubietruck

Install Success:

Cb3 A20-install Nand Boot Android For Cubietruck

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